Big Brother 24 eviction show delayed (again), will now air Sunday

Big Brother

Well, it seems as though the next Big Brother 24 eviction episode is going to continue to be on the move.

Yesterday, we reported that the Thursday airing of the CBS juggernaut was being pushed to Friday, with the reason for it then being news coverage of the latest January 6 hearing. Today, meanwhile, the news is coming in that the show is being delayed again, and will now air as a two-hour block on Sunday. (Too bad for those of you who wanted to watch Westworld live on HBO at 9:00.) The move is a little surprising, given that CBS has had no issue airing Big Brother on Friday nights before.

The other thing that this could have massive implications on is the events of the live feeds and the game itself. According to a report from TVLine, the eviction will not be live, meaning that this will be taped in its entirely beforehand — we wouldn’t be shocked if this is done either Thursday or Friday. Because CBS probably will not want to spoil their own eviction in advance, don’t be shocked if this leads to a situation where we do not have live feeds for a significant chunk of the season. By the time feeds come back after this show, there is a reasonable chance that we will learn not only who the next HoH is, but also who won Veto and some of the plans for the week.

As someone who typically cares more about the feeds than the show itself, all of this feels like a bummer — especially since the show is typically best in the early going when there are so many people still in the house. It gets a little less exciting later on, when there just isn’t that much activity as opposed to people just sitting around.

Related Get some more news on Big Brother right now, including other insight from the feeds

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