Better Call Saul season 6 episode 9 spoilers: Gus’ clean-up duty
If you haven’t heard yet, this is a story titled “Fun and Games” and today, we have a little more insight courtesy of an official synopsis: “Gus attempts to smooth things over with the cartel while Mike ties up loose ends north of the border.”
Check out our most-recent Better Call Saul review! Take a look below to see everything we had to say about the shocking events that transpired. Once you do just that, be sure to SUBSCRIBE to Matt & Jess on YouTube for more over the rest of the season.
Gus may recognize at this point that this is the perfect time to try and find some element of peace. Lalo is gone, Nacho is dead, and we feel like all parties know at some point that near-constant war is not the best option. We know that a number of these characters make it for many more years into the Breaking Bad timeline, and the events of this episode will probably shed more light into how some of that is possible.
For Jimmy and Kim, meanwhile, we know that the two are going to do their best to go back to work and pretend that none of this ever happened. However, there are reasons for some serious concern at this point for them both. Gus and Mike aren’t going to forget how much they bailed the two layers out, especially when it comes to removing Howard’s body and then also looking past the fact that Kim drove over to Gus’ compound with every intention of killing him. At some point, they will have to pay the metaphorical piper here, and this could easy be the thing that costs Kim her life.
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