Big Brother 24 live feed spoilers: Veto Ceremony, backstage talk (day 5)

Terrance Higgins Big Brother

Tomorrow night within the Big Brother 24 house, we’re going to be seeing the Veto Ceremony play out from start to finish. So what is going to happen here?

If things currently stay as they are in the house, we’re going to see Michael take himself off the block and with that, Head of Household Daniel will nominate Taylor. Is that really going to happen? We’d love for it not to, but it feels like there’s too much groupthink right now and a real fear of going against the grain. This is a frustrating element of Big Brother and we really wish the way people get ostracized would be out of the picture in season 24.

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Most of the afternoon/early evening in the house has been quiet, with the houseguests taking part in a photoshoot outside. Indy (who has been a possible nominee for the past 24 hours) has decided to talk a little bit of game, has tried to pitch working with Joseph. She could tell him what’s going on with the women, and he could tell her what’s going on with the guys. We’ll see if that actually happens.

If something does change with the replacement nominee plan at this point, we’re starting to think that it will have to come from Daniel himself.

The backstage twist

The show hit home further what this means tonight: Paloma, Brittany, and Alyssa cannot be nominated. They also can’t vote, and cannot be a replacement after the Veto. However, they could still be sent out of the game on Thursday.

So what does this mean? We’re still of the belief that Brittany will be the person saved by America and from there, something will happen and Alyssa / Paloma will have to compete for safety. (Maybe it’s a quick comp?) It would be SO messy of Paloma goes out on this twist, but it’s unlikely.

Related Get more updates on Big Brother 24 right now

What are you most hoping to see transpire from here within the Big Brother 24 house?

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