Big Brother 24 cast reveal: What can we expect to learn?

Big Brother

The Big Brother 24 cast reveal is in a matter of three days! That’s exciting, but then you remember we’re only four days from the premiere.

There is no denying that it is highly unusual for us to meet the full cast so soon before the first episode, especially for an all-newbie season. So how much are we really going to learn? Will CBS really put that much effort into disclosing a lot of info on these people when we end up meeting them a single day later?

Obviously, on Tuesday we’ll learn the basic details of who we are expecting to be sixteen houseguests competing in the season — take, for example, their names, ages, hometowns, and what they do for a living. If we get some random number like 15 or 13, we’ll start to wonder if there’s another twist coming. If it’s 14, then maybe the show will opt for a smaller cast?

We know that there were past seasons where there was a chance to see video interviews and fun little teases of the cast in advance, but we’re not super-confident there will be extensive stuff of that variety here. Maybe we’ll get snippets of their personality in video form and that’s about it. With this being such a short turnaround to the premiere, there is really no reason for the network to put that much effort into hyping up people that you’ll be seeing in such a short period of time.

One thing we absolutely hope that we learn is that there is no team twist / cliques / duos / anything else of that variety. Just let the people play! We didn’t mind the teams last year, since we get that they were trying to stop an eight-person alliance from the start. That year just proved with the Cookout that smart players will just figure out how to form one anyway; you might as well just eliminate all the groupings and let just the players plot and scheme on their own.

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What do you most want to learn about the new players entering Big Brother 24?

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