Ms. Marvel season 1 episode 3 sneak peek: A wedding dance!

Ms. Marvel season 1

Tomorrow night you’re going to be seeing Ms. Marvel season 1 episode 3 on Disney+, and it’s going to be a total blast. We’ve got more evidence of that within!

You can get a preview that is almost entirely an extensive wedding dance number, and it’s absolutely fantastic. We know that there have been a lot of happy moments across the MCU over the years, but there’s just something about this one that radiates joy from start to finish. Kamala Khan brings the dance moves, and she’s joined by most of the rest of the family. Bruno’s also fantastic, and it feels like he’s already a part of the family.

Do we know that there’s more drama out there on the show right now? Absolutely, especially when it comes to Kamran and his mother, who played an important role at the end of episode 2. There’s a lot of mythology to unearth there, and then you have the government potentially hunting Kamala down in some form. There’s also a potential Big Bad here that we haven’t met yet. We know that eventually, we’re going to be seeing Ms. Marvel put her powers more to the test, but we’re just not there at the moment. For now, we’re happy to be living in this age of relative innocence for at least a little while.

We know that this show is relatively short, so we anticipate that a lot of the story is going to move forward rather quickly from here on out. It almost has to but, for the time being, we’re willing to live still in this age of relative innocence, where Kamala’s powers are new and somewhat surprising. She’s still getting a handle of how to use them, and also the best way to keep her secret.

What do you most want to see when it comes to Ms. Marvel season 1 episode 3?

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Photo: Disney+

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