This Is Us series finale spoilers: Sterling K. Brown on Randall’s story

We’re not ready for the This Is Us series finale to air on NBC tomorrow night. We’re not sure that we will ever be ready. This is a show known for being emotional and now, we gotta prepare for the challenge of seeing it all wrap up.

There’s been a lot said about the finale in larger terms, including how it’s going to be simple in nature and yet, a fitting tribute to Rebecca and also the Big Three. We haven’t seen a lot in terms of scoop on specific characters, so why not talk Randall here for a moment? He’s one of our favorite people to watch, and we have a feeling that moving forward, he’s got a lot to process.

New This Is Us video! Take a look below to get our take on where things could be going coming up. Once you do just that, SUBSCRIBE to Matt & Jess on YouTube and keep coming back for more.

Over the years, Randall is the sort of guy who carries the weight of the world on his shoulders; with Rebecca gone, some of that responsibility could be in theory. But will his anxiety take over? How bad could his grief end up being? These are things to ponder over entering the finale, and here is what Sterling K. Brown had to say in a new interview with TVLine:

You heard him at the end of [this past episode] say, “I don’t know what I want to say to her. I just want to get it right.” And that’s so much of who he is as a character: He wants to get it right. And so then at the beginning of [Episode] 18, there’s a bit of concern on his wife’s part about “how will this affect him?” She’s already gone through a couple of panic attacks, anxiety attacks in which he had a tough time getting his life back on track, and she knows as well as anybody else that this woman, if she’s not his favorite person, it’s definitely one of his favorite people. So is he in a place where he’s able to bounce back from this loss in a way that does not keep him from moving forward or having momentum in his life? Which is also what his mom said to all of her children: “Don’t let my sickness, don’t let my transition keep you from doing all the huge, wonderful things that you have to offer this world.” So I think maybe the audience, but definitely his wife, has a similar concern, which is why, early on, she feels the need to play Worst Case Scenario one last time with her husband.

We know that we’re going to be spending some time with Randall in the finale at Rebecca’s funeral, we still do want there to be a few other looks towards his future! We know that he is already a Senator, but are we going to see the character eventually make it to the Oval Office? Personally, this is something we absolutely want to see.

What do you most want to see from Randall on the This Is Us series finale tomorrow?

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