Is Diany Rodriguez leaving The Blacklist? Is Weecha really dead?

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Tonight’s The Blacklist season 9 episode 20 created all sorts of chaos from start to finish, and of course a shocking final reveal.

So what did we learn? Not only is Marvin Gerard the person responsible for betraying Reddington and having Liz Keen killed, but he’s also threatening the life of Mierce, one of the people James Spader’s character cares about the most. Learning about this was enough to send Weecha into overdrive, and it looks like now her anger may end up getting her killed.

New The Blacklist video! Take a look below if you want to watch our brand-new discussion on tonight’s episode. Once you do that, be sure to SUBSCRIBE to Matt & Jess on YouTube — there are other updates coming and of course, we don’t want you missing out.

In the closing seconds of tonight’s episode, Weecha’s fate definitely felt unclear. Will she survive? We’re hopeful, but we also have to remember that this entire ordeal could end up costing Raymond greatly. He’s already damaged his relationship beyond repair with Caelum Bank, given that he shot Harris and then left him in a makeshift prison while an ambulance picked him up. He did try to discourage Weecha from coming along with the next phase of the plan, but even still there are consequences to all of the collective actions this season. Reddington could have left everything alone and not looking more into Liz’s death; however, he couldn’t do that.

If there’s a mistake Marvin made in all of this, it is underestimating Reddington’s grief. Because of that, there are so many different incidents that are likely coming and there’s a good chance that Reddington’s own lawyer could get the best of him. We’re worried for Weecha, and we’re also worried who else could be dead after all of this.

What did you think about the events of The Blacklist season 9 episode 20?

Do you think Weecha is going to survive? Let us know! Once you do just that, remember to also stay at the site — there are more stories coming that we don’t want you to miss. (Photo: NBC.)

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