The Good Doctor season 5 finale promo: Code blue? Is someone dead?

The Good Doctor

We know that The Good Doctor season 5 finale is going to revolve in part around a really happy occasion in Shaun and Lea’s wedding. However, at some point in here we’re going to see something rather shocking as well: A character facing a life-or-death crisis.

At the tail end of the video below, you can hear Dr. Lim shout “code blue” — which, in medical terminology, means that someone is in cardiac arrest — or, someone is in a situation so desperate that it has to be handled on the spot. As for who that someone is who is in peril, that is the mystery we’re left to wonder about for at least the time being.

The person we’re admittedly the most concerned about at this point is Dr. Glassman, who almost died earlier on in the series. There’s something incredibly sad about Shaun potentially losing a father figure and one of the most important people in his life right at the same time he’s getting married; that just feels like the sort of terrible thing that would happen on a TV drama like this.

As horrifying as all of this would be, we also have to envision that the complete and total opposite could happen here, as well. Isn’t it possible that nobody is really in all that much danger at all among the main cast? We tend to think so! Because we don’t actually see Lim when she is saying “code blue,” she could be saying it about anyone at any given moment. This wouldn’t be the first time that a network tricked us with a promo, and we also have it on good authority that it would not be the last.

Related Be sure to get some more news when it comes to The Good Doctor right now, including more thoughts on tonight

Where do you want to see things going as we enter The Good Doctor season 5 finale?

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