Yellowstone season 5: Who should John Dutton fear next?


We’re sure that Yellowstone season 5 is going to have some fantastic moments around the ranch and significant reasons to smile. However, it could also have challenges — big challenges. This is a show where there are almost always villains, and we have to prepare for them to rear their head at any moment.

So who could be one of the next major threats? Is there anyone that could make John Dutton (Kevin Costner) shake in his boots a little bit? We’ve narrowed down the list of possibilities to just a small handful of candidates here…

Market Equities – They’ve been a major part of this world for the past few years and at this point, it doesn’t appear as though they are going anywhere soon. Caroline Warner has taken on the role of de-facto Big Bad and we tend to think she will do a lot over the next little while to make her presence felt, even still.

Thomas Rainwater – There’s been tension between he and John, but they’ve also found some ways to work together for their greater good. We can’t say, though, that we’re always going to have confidence in a truce here.

Jamie Dutton – He killed his own father! While Beth may try to control him now, he’s always going to be an enormous threat because he’s capable of snapping and he’s one of the most dangerous people on the show. He’s killed before multiple times and easily could kill again.

John Dutton himself – He’s a fantastic character, but he does have a tendency to create problems for himself. He’s inflexible, and that is both his biggest strength and greatest weakness.

Someone new – If you want Yellowstone to continue to evolve, one of the best ways to do that is bringing someone else into the picture.

No one – Hey, he’s John Dutton. He doesn’t seem to be too worried about any one person at times.

Related Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Yellowstone right now

If you are John Dutton, who would you fear next on Yellowstone season 5?

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