Better Call Saul season 6: Tony Dalton on road to series finale

Better Call Saul season 6

Better Call Saul season 6 has already killed off one fantastic character and odds are, there’s plenty more awesome stuff down the road. The AMC show has plotted out this season to be a series of emotional moments and shocking turns, and that in itself may be surprising to some. Just remember that this is a prequel! In theory, we should have been able to chart a lot of this out, but Vince Gilligan and Peter Gould are doing a great job of keeping us guessing.

If we’re to believe the man behind Lalo in Tony Dalton at the moment, it does also seem like the best could still be to come.

New Better Call Saul video! Take a look below at some of our thoughts all about this past episode of the series. Once you take a look at those, be sure to also SUBSCRIBE to Matt & Jess on YouTube. That’s going to be your source for more coverage the rest of the way.

In a new interview with Variety, Dalton does his best to hype up the road to the series finale, noting that some scripts had him immensely excited from the moment that he read them:

“No matter what they think is going to happen, people have no idea … I think that people are going to love it. This is the last season, so they pulled all the stops out. It’s all in, let’s burn the house down. Literally. They just really made sure that no stone is left unturned. There was some episodes that I read, that had me jumping up and down in the place that I got in Albuquerque. It’s super exciting to see that how it’s all going to pan out. One thing is reading it, the other thing is filming it.”

Could Lalo himself die? Maybe. We think there’s probably one more major character left who is going to perish — at this point, we’re really just hoping it’s not Kim. Keeping her alive is one of the last things we hope the show delivers; that way, there’s at least hope for her future with Jimmy.

What do you think we’re going to see on Better Call Saul before the end?

Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! Once you do just that, be sure to stick around — there are other updates ahead that we don’t want you missing. (Photo: AMC.)

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