Big Brother Canada 10: Live Triple Eviction updates!

Big Brother Canada

Tonight on Big Brother Canada 10we’re going to have one of the biggest events of the season. It’s Triple Eviction time! Three players will be off the jury by the end of the night, and there could be a surprise or two mixed in.

We’re going to offer live updates in this article as the night goes on, but let’s begin here by setting the metaphorical table. Gino is likely going to be the first one out of the game and after that, Jacey-Lynne will most likely be rattled. Marty is by far the biggest target to go out the door in the triple and unless he wins the Veto, he’s probably one of the other two leaving. From there, things get a big more ambiguous: Kevin is the next biggest threat in terms of his game, but he’s also got good allies in Haleena and Josh. Jacey-Lynne could be seen as an easy target, and then Summer and Betty are a strong duo.

Entering the night, we’d say that Haleena is the person most likely to not get evicted; the only way we see that happening is if Marty wins Veto and she’s up on the block with Kevin and Josh. (Betty and summer could pick Josh to stay in that scenario.)

First Eviction – Gino. We don’t think this is remotely a surprise, but he was really mad about it after the fact. You could see it in his eyes! Mostly, though, he may be the most mad at himself.

Head of Household – Josh won the memory comp! It was between him and Jacey-Lynne, but he pulled it out. He nominated Jacey plus Marty and Summer, which really does show his cards in a way about his bond with Kevin and Haleena.

Veto – Jacey-Lynne won it! She had the lead for most of the competition and with that, she is able to breathe easier — by far, this is the most clutch Veto of the season. Jacey of course saved herself, and Josh put up Betty! Well, this pretty much exposes the Josh / Haleena / Kevin trio.

Eviction – Summer and Marty are gone. Marty was the biggest comp through, while Summer was probably the biggest social threat.

Related Be sure to get some more news on Big Brother Canada 10, including more thoughts entering the big night

Entering tonight’s Big Brother Canada 10 Triple Eviction, what did you think would happen?

Be sure to share right away in the attached comments! After you do just that, stick around for some additional news. (Photo: Global.)

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