Big Brother Canada 10: Was Gino Giannopoulos evicted, off to jury?

Big Brother Canada

There is obviously a lot to get into with tonight’s Big Brother Canada 10 episode but here, let’s kick it off with the first eviction.

Was Gino Giannopoulos evicted from the game and sent to jury? We knew that entering the episode tonight, there was a reasonably good chance that this was going to happen. After all, just look at some of the reasons for it! He is a huge competition threat, he’s in a showmance that will stick together no matter what, and he completely screwed himself by picking up that red gummy bear. Had he listened to Marty and not taken part in the random draw, he wouldn’t be on the block right now. It has to be one of the worst ways to get evicted ever.

We knew entering the episode that Gino was set to be voted out, but also that it probably wouldn’t be a blindside. There was a plan to tell him right before the start of the show, so we’re entering it with that in mind. This is also going to most likely rattle Jacey-Lynne, who thought she and her #1 were in good standing leading up to the end of the season.

So was he actually evicted? – In a word, yes. After making a speech mocking Marty’s trademark “kick your feet up” line, everyone else opted to send Gino to jury. Summer’s line of “me and the gummy have spoken” was gold, and we’ve gotten a great sense of how tight Kevin and Haleena really are. Both of them did their trademark Ghost alliance signal in the DR tonight, and we could see this being a pretty interesting final 2 showdown if that happens.

Related Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Big Brother Canada right now

Were you rooting for Gino Giannopoulos on Big Brother Canada 10?

What do you think about his eviction? Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! Once you do just that, be sure to keep coming back — there are other updates on the way and we will not want you missing any of those. (Photo: CBS.)

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