Doctor Who season 14: Outgoing showrunner on potential changes

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Following the exit of Jodie Whittaker later this year, we know that Doctor Who season 14 will feature the return of Russell T. Davies as showrunner. With that, we’ll also be seeing the exit of Chris Chibnall from the role. He’s been around for the entire Jodie Whittaker era, and with that has come some big and, at times, controversial risks. Some of that includes the Timeless Child and the specific backstory he laid out for The Doctor.

So is there a chance that Davies will ignore some of these changes and move the story in a different direction? For now, that is certainly something Chibnall isn’t ruling out, and he’s more than fine if it happens. Speaking to the Radio Times recently, here is some of what the executive producer had to say:

“You’re not carrying a vase across a room – you’ve got to get in there and say what you want about the show, the character and the world.

“It’s one of the few drama series without a written bible, and every era contains a contradiction or left-turn from what has come before. Any future showrunner will ignore it or run with it.”

It is true that every different era of Doctor Who contains its fair share of contradictions, and trying to map out a consistent narrative across every era could be difficult. Yet, we would be shocked if season 14 is a total 180 from what we’ve seen during Chibnall’s time on the show. Instead, we tend to think that many stories from the past few years could remain, but there will also be new twists and different offshoots. After all, the goal here should be to explore new ground, and not just try to walk on a trail that’s been treaded on rather recently.

Remember that there are two more specials still to come of the Whittaker era, including one you can see this weekend. Head over to this link for more information on that.

What do you think Doctor Who season 14 will look like in the end?

How many changes are you expecting? Share right now in the comments! Once you do just that, keep coming back for some other updates. (Photo: BBC.)

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