Big Brother Canada 10 live feed spoilers: Where are nominations?

Big Brother Canada

Are we going to be seeing the nomination ceremony within the Big Brother Canada 10 house tonight? Well, let’s talk about that…

The bad news is that we’re not going to get official word on the nominations tonight, mostly due to the delay in the Head of Household Competition. (Gino won that earlier today.) The plan now is that they will happen tomorrow.

Provided things stay the same to what they are right now, we are anticipating that Summer and Moose will go on the block, with Marty being saved as a replacement nominee if the situation presents itself. Summer has never been on the block before, so a part of her being up is just Gino forcing her to feel that jeopardy. (Haleena would be the only player remaining to not be nominated at this point in the game.) Meanwhile, Moose is someone who could conceivably go home depending on what happens, but that is not the plan.

This could prove to be a pretty interesting week for people like Kevin, Haleena, and Josh, who have tried to be puppeteers over the last little while. Kevin doesn’t want Marty out yet, mostly because he recognizes his value as a shield for him in the game. Also, Marty is easily manipulated and controlled. Yet, this may be a week where he has to just let Marty go. This is one of those times in the game where everyone needs to exercise care since Gino could nominate whoever he wants if the Veto is used; also, no one can be too eager to keep Marty around if the perception becomes that he is public enemy #1 in the game. There’s a lot that needs to be considered here!

Related Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Big Brother Canada right now

What do you want to see happen in the Big Brother Canada 10 house this weekend?

Do you think Marty’s days are numbered? Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! After you do just that, remember to keep coming back to get other updates. (Photo: Global.)

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