Is The Conners new tonight on ABC? Season 4 episode 15 chatter

The Conners

Is The Conners new tonight on ABC? Are you going to have a chance to check out season 4 episode 15 in just a matter of hours?

It goes without saying that we’d like to see more stories on the air very soon, especially after the topical and serious story we got this past week. We know this show likes to mix things up and do so often, so it’s fair to imagine we’re going to something a little more silly when the show comes back on the air.

Unfortunately, you’re not going to be getting an episode tonight. Much of ABC’s comedy lineup is taking a one-week break, with episode 15 (titled “Messy Situation, Miscommunication and Academic Probation”) currently set to air next week. Unfortunately, the network hasn’t released a full synopsis yet for what lies ahead, meaning that we’re all very-much in the dark on that subject.

Meanwhile, we’ve also heard that episode 16, titled “Gas Pump, House Dump and Stew Volcano,” is going to air the following week on the 23rd. We’re happy this is not some sort of long-term hiatus, and there are chances to check out a lot of good stuff in the immediate future.

So what about beyond that?

We’re still waiting for news on a season 5 and, of course, we’re reasonably optimistic that this is going to happen. With that being said, though, it’s not lost on us that this is a show that could end whenever the cast and crew want it to. We do think that on paper, The Conners is the sort of story that could go on forever. It won’t, but we don’t think that this is ever the sort of series that is going to run out of stories.

Related Be sure to get some more news when it comes to The Conners right now

What do you most want to see when it comes to The Conners season 4 episode 15?

Are you hoping to get a season 5 renewal at some point in the near future? Be sure to share right now in the comments! Once you do just that, stick around for some other updates. (Photo: ABC.)

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