The Cleaning Lady season 1 episode 9 spoilers: The last before finale

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Next week on The Cleaning Lady season 1 episode 9, there are so many things that could shake up the series at its core forever. First things first, we’re gearing up for the second-to-last episode of the season!

For the time being, we should note that there is no season 2 renewal for the show; however, we’re reasonably optimistic about it. We just don’t want to get so caught up thinking about this that we lose site of the story directly ahead, especially since that story could have some big moments at its core. Thony is going to try to get her back to America, but doing so will not be easy. She has to find a way to get across the border, establish herself again, and then deal with the fallout of everything that happened in Mexico. We don’t anticipate all that much in the way of resolution here; instead, this will more or likely be all about building up everything else that is coming on the other side.

For a few more details, go ahead and take a look at the official season 1 episode 9 synopsis below:

Arman’s fallout with Hayak has severe consequences for Thony, who must now find her way back home from Mexico with Luca. In hiding, Arman tries to help Thony get back, but it is Garrett who steps in to get Thony across the border where, upon re-entry, things aren’t what they seem in the all-new “Coming Home Again” episode of THE CLEANING LADY airing Monday, March 7 (9:01-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. (CLD-109) (TV-14 D, L, V)

Where will things go from here?

Let’s just say that at the end of the road here, a deal is going to await Thony in the finale. Whatever happens with it could have catastrophic consequences both on her life and those around her.

Related Be sure to get some more news when it comes to The Cleaning Lady right now

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