The Blacklist season 9 debate: Who framed Harold Cooper?
Today in particular, we are here to primary raise a big question about one Harold Cooper: Who framed him? Clearly, someone is actively working on planning his demise, but a mystery still remains as to who that could be. It’s someone who wants him arrested and not actively a part of the Task Force; we have to think the motive is either tied to that or their own personal gain.
Want more The Blacklist video coverage? Take a look below, as we go further into the subject of Cooper and who framed him. After doing that, remember to SUBSCRIBE to Matt & Jess on YouTube! There are more updates coming on the show and of course, we don’t want you missing them.
Without further ado, let’s talk through at least a few possibilities…
Charlene – Is his wife setting him up? We suppose there’s a chance of that, but there’s no real particular reason why. They’d have to set up a HUGE amount of backstory just to give us more clarity on that subject.
Lew – You can easily argue that Cooper’s own partner, who helped him falsify a report, is actually working to harm him — but once again, why?
Panabaker – The motive for Cynthia is pretty clear; she has some sort of issue with Cooper, and we could see her reveling in a way to take him down a peg. Yet, if she wanted him gone, why institute the Task Force again in the first place? Or, at the very least, why put him back in charge?
Reddington – We know he’s capable of it, and you could argue that he could want Cooper out of the picture to spend time with Agnes. If that’s true, though, consider this: Why not just take her and go off somewhere? If Cooper is arrested, Charlene will get Agnes; she wouldn’t go to James Spader’s character by default.
There is one other possibility worth considering for now: Maybe the person responsible is simply someone we don’t know yet. Can you really rule that out?
Who do you think framed Cooper on The Blacklist?
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