The Tourist season 2: Is it renewed, canceled over at BBC One?
Well, let’s just say that this situation is a little bit complicated. Originally, the plan wasn’t for this to be some sort of continuous series — yet, there are a lot of people who want it! We’ve seen a number of different limited series before opt to do a season 2, albeit with some mixed results. Sometimes, more great stories are pulled out of nowhere. However, we’ve also seen instances where things crash and burn. We would advise not doing more unless you are 100% confident you’ve got a good story.
Speaking via the Radio Times, Dornan himself made it rather clear the sort of conversations that are happening about the future:
“I guess it’s a little bit open-ended with the end, people still have questions … Obviously we had good plans for it, wanted it, but the response to it, as you know, has been insane and the amount of people [who have] watched it, and the love for it is very real.
“I saw something the other day that they said that there’s talk of… they’d be looking into how they could do a second series of it if there is a want, and it seems there is a want. So who knows, the plan was only ever to play The Man once, but we’ll see.”
So even though Jamie is saying this right now, remember there’s no guarantee that another season is going to happen. There were a lot of similar quotes made about Bodyguard and yet, we’re still waiting for more of that show to happen down the road. (We honestly don’t know how it can with the way that season 1 ended.)
Related – Be sure to get some more news when it comes to The Tourist right now
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