The Amazing Race 33 episode 4 video: How replacement teams settle in

Wednesday night’s The Amazing Race 33 episode 4 is going to be weird — there’s absolutely no doubt about that. It filmed more than a year and a half after episode 3 due to the onset of the global health crisis, and every single team had to deal with a lot of change in their lives because of that.

We’ve already reported that a number of teams were not able to return to the race for various reasons (more on that later). Meanwhile, we’ve also noted that two previously-eliminated teams in Arun & Natalia and Michael & Moe each opted to come back. There are now seven teams racing and the upcoming leg is going to take place in Switzerland.

So what’s going to happen there? In the sneak peek below, you can get at least a decent sense of where the competition is going from here. All of the teams are back out on the run and dealing with challenges like they would any other season. Because it’s been so long since any teams raced, we don’t think the replacements are at that much of a disadvantage. They may actually be motivated more by the fact that they’ve been eliminated before, and they know what that feeling is like.

For those wondering, The Amazing Race is not going to shy away from what’s going on in the world in the remainder of the season. You can see multiple contestants wearing masks in the preview, and that may be done out of an extreme abundance of caution. We already know that there are a number of safety measures in place, and we’re sure that, in general, many tasks this season are designed to ensure that teams are not at risk while competing.

What do you most want to see on The Amazing Race 33 episode 4 when it airs on CBS?

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