Power Book II: Ghost season 2 video: Michael Rainey Jr., cast have fun
Rather than dive more into some serious stuff here, though, let’s just have a little bit of fun for a moment!
New Power Book II: Ghost video! take a look below to get some of our thoughts on the most-recent episode of the show. Once you do just that, be sure to SUBSCRIBE to Matt & Jess on YouTube — there are other updates and coverage coming and we don’t want you missing any of them.
If you look at the video HERE, you can see Michael Rainey Jr. and the rest of the cast have a little bit of fun with superlatives, talking about who among the cast is the best dressed, the class clown, the flirtiest, and even the most likely to be late to set. There’s a lot of comedy in here, plus a chance for some of the actors to show off their sillier side. Rainey and Gianni Paolo (Brayden) clearly have a fun relationship away from the camera and it’s nice being able to see that spotlighted a little bit further.
Now, let’s all just cross our fingers and hope that things can be rectified for Tariq and Brayden moving forward into the second half of the season. The two perhaps don’t even realize how bad off they are, given that Tariq doesn’t know that Brayden is working with Cane in secret — not only that, but they were together when Cane planted the badge!
Related – Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Power Book II: Ghost right now
What do you most want to see when it comes to Power Book II: Ghost season 2?
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