Hightown season 3: Is it renewed or canceled over at Starz?

Hightown season 2

Following the big finale event this weekend at Starz, can you expect a Hightown season 3 renewal? Or, are we currently looking at the end of the road?

The first thing we should do is make our personal stance very clear: We’d love more of the Monica Raymund series on the air. It’s got a unique setting, great characters, and a number of dark twists that continue to make you surprised. There’s also a handful of people you’re compelled to watch regardless of whether or not all of them are likable — that’s rare for a show. (Luckily, Jackie is likable in our eyes — hence, why she is a compelling lead.)

As for whether or not we’ll get more of the story, though, that is 100% up in the air and totally up to Starz. It’s also a very tough thing to measure in terms of live ratings, given that the majority of people either check it out on the app or record it for later. It’s not one of the largest hits on the network, so we can’t compare it to the Power universe, Outlander, or the recent BMF. It’s one of their more under-the-radar shows at this point, but that doesn’t make it any less worthy. It’s a little similar to Heels in that regard.

Our hope is that if the show is renewed, it can start filming this spring leading up to a big return to television in the fall/winter. Want to help to ensure that it happens? The biggest things that you can do here are 1) watch the show, 2) tell all of your friends and family to do the same, and 3) rally on social media. It’s a little harder sometimes to get a show a season 3 than it is a season 2, given that after just one year, it’s easy to make an argument that there’s still room to grow an audience.

We’re cautiously optimistic that Hightown could have a future but for now, stay tuned — we’ll have more news as it comes in over at the link here.

Do you want to see a Hightown season 3 renewal at Starz?

Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! Once you do just that, stick around — there are other updates coming and we don’t want you to miss them. (Photo: Starz.)

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