‘The Vampire Diaries’ season 4 spoilers: What’s next for Paul Wesley’s Stefan
Thanks to the events of “The Vampire Diaries” season 4 thus far, it is fairly safe to say that one character in particular in Stefan Salvatore is at a crossroads. After all, he is now being routinely forced to subject himself to the fact that his brother Damon is now with the woman that he loves in Elena, and he also does not really have any sort of direction for his future. He’s supposed to find the cure … and then what? His best-case scenario could be that he cures himself of his vampirism, and then he just has to die alone.
So what will be coming up for him? According to TV Guide, he is going to be looking for solace with someone, but who? The only clue that we have is the character is female and blonde, so that really only leaves us with two options: Caroline and Rebekah. The former would be the one that would ultimately make the most sense, largely thanks to the fact that she is a friend to Stefan already and could help him get out of this rut. (There is also no indication that this interaction will turn romantic.)
As for Rebekah, is it possible that these two could find some common ground? In a sense, they have both been shunned at times by their very siblings in favor of other people, and they do have a rich history that dated back a full century (at least based on some of the flashbacks that we saw in Chicago during season 3). This would ultimately give Stefan a little bit more of something to do, although there is still admittedly a rather enormous part of us that just wants to see Matt and Rebekah together at the end of the day.
Want to take a first look at the January 17 episode of “The Vampire Diaries” season 4? If so, be sure to take a look at the story over at the link here.
Photo: The CW
January 14, 2013 @ 6:16 pm
The thing with Stefan going with Caroline is that she already dated Matt. So is she going to be with another of her exes? Damon is selfish we all know that. He lets her be herself in his standards. Like drinking from the vein. She didnt want to and he kept insisting. He doesn’t really accept ger choices or let her be herself. Stefan should take time off and control himself then he and elena should rekindle. Hey he shared Katherine with Damon so why not elena? I love the the two together they deserve each other.
January 14, 2013 @ 1:45 am
For me, Stefan and Elena were good together when Elena was human, but then Stefan started seeing his own flaws, and also realized that he can’t accept Elena as a vampire. Damon and Elena have undeniable chemistry, but they are also in love, and Damon accepts her for who she is, so they need to be together IMO. Stefan, I don’t think his thing with Rebekah will be an endgame-type scenario. I think he ultimately belongs with Katherine, but he should get with Caroline, because that would be interesting. Caroline and him are already close, and it’s clear that the boring (once cool) Forwood relationship is falling aparty. I think Caroline will get with Klaus and Stefan with Rebekah, but those couples will not last and Caroline will get with Stefan. I can then see Stefan getting with a newly-returned Katherine, and Caroline reuniting with Matt.
Just Me
January 13, 2013 @ 3:40 am
Stefan needs to move on..Damon Elena needs to be together. Stefan likes to make puzzle games out of humans LOL take em’ apart and put them back together he likes to talk to console them too “Oh I’m sorry, there your head is on now” Him & Klause has something in common they both like paitning projects except Stefan likes to finger paint with blood :p
January 12, 2013 @ 9:21 am
I know that Stefan has a horrible past. But so does Damon. He always taunts Stefan to drink blood. Damon tried to kill Jeremy too. And he would do the same selfish things for Elena. The brothers are equal bad in different ways. It’s just Stefan should be with Elena. Or they could write a character for me and make me Stefan’s love interest just saying :)
January 11, 2013 @ 3:34 pm
Lets be real about Stefan, he’s not a good person. He forced Jeremy to kill that vampire, for what, selfish reasons. Like Elena said, she rather stay a vamp to submit her brother to that. He can’t love Elena as a vamp and that makes no sense, but you want her to love you, despite all the $hit he has done. STEFAN IS A LOW LIFE. RIPPING PEOPLE HEADS OFF, DRAINING THEIR BLOOD, AND WRITE THEIR NAME ON THE WALL, for freaking what. Evil Man/Vamp
January 10, 2013 @ 9:50 pm
I want to see Stefan and Elena together. The story is based around their epic love. Stefan pushed her away season three and Damon helped her. So it’s natural she has feelings but to end Stelena?? ?? Please don’t. He should cure himself and elena and get married. Damon is not good for her. He made out with her mom gross. Keep Stelena alive please!!!
January 10, 2013 @ 1:51 pm
Finally is getting interesting! The love triangle was killing me! Way to go Rebecca!!
January 10, 2013 @ 12:29 am
January 9, 2013 @ 8:21 pm
I love Stefan. Damon and Elena deserve each other. They are both low-lives. Stefan does not deserve their backstabbing/lying. I just want him to move on with anyone other than Elena or Katherine. I personally prefer Rebekah cause they have a history and she’s gorgeous. Caroline is beautiful and a strong young lady with her head on straight, but I want them to remain friends.
January 9, 2013 @ 11:55 am
I really feel that Stefan should just man up and figure out how to control his ripperness, lol even if that’s a word. Him with Rebecca could work but like they said, I would like to see her with Matt. Matt will give her purpose. Caroline – really can’t stand her at this point, too messy. But she needs to stay with Tyler/Klaus. Really a relationship for Stefan is pointless until he get control of hisself, before the ripper resurfaces.