Dexter: New Blood season 1 episode 6 spoilers: Is the secret out?
For a long time, he was able to keep that secret intact! Unfortunately for him now, though, he’s in a place where everything is starting to bleed together and there is no way to put the metaphorical toothpaste back in the tube. He has to recognize where he is now and that with him becoming increasingly corrupted by his past, the rubber band is going to snap. More people will inevitable start to figure things out, and entering season 1 episode 6 (the first episode of the second half of the season), true pandemonium will begin.
New Dexter: New Blood video! Take a look below to get some additional insight on this past episode of the series! Once you do watch that, remember to SUBSCRIBE to Matt & Jess on YouTube. There are other updates coming and we don’t want you to miss them.
Per SpoilerTV, the title for this episode is “Too Many Tuna Sandwiches” — meanwhile, the synopsis below has some more updates all about what lies ahead:
Someone in Iron Lake has discovered Jim Lindsay’s secret identity, sending Dexter on the prowl to find out who it was. This pursuit leads him to realize that he might not be the only serial killer in town. Meanwhile Harrison spirals out of control during a wrestling match and Angela makes a dark discovery of her own.
Does Angela know the truth about him yet? Given that she’s the Chief of Police, it feels easy to make that assumption. Yet, we’ve got a pretty darn good feeling that nothing within the world of this show will be that predictable — whoever learns it could have less of a reason to protect and/or care for Dexter, and we don’t have to say just how dangerous that is.
What do you want to see when it comes to Dexter: New Blood season 1 episode 6?
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