Chicago Med season 7 episode 7 spoilers: Ethan’s big return!
For most of this season so far we’ve seen the character separate from the rest of the story, largely so that he can recover from what happened at the end of season 6. (The writers penned the story this way in order to accommodate Brian’s schedule, as he’s been working on another project.) Per the season 7 episode 7 synopsis below, you’re going to be seeing a lot of Ethan’s recovery coming up:
11/03/2021 (08:00PM – 09:00PM) (Wednesday) : Crockett helps Dr. Blake replace a patient’s liver. Vanessa tries to prove herself. Will continues to pursue the truth about Cooper. Ethan gets closer to returning to life in the E.D. TV-14
In general, we have a good feeling that it will take Ethan some time to re-acclimate himself to life in the ED. After all, why would we assume that this would be easy? The simplest answer here is that it won’t be. This is a guy who’s experienced great physical trauma and because of that, he won’t look at patients the same way. He will have to prepare for emotional adjustment to being on the job and frankly, the speed of it all. This is the sort of environment where you don’t have a lot of time to second-guess yourself.
Rest assured, this episode will not be the only time that you see Ethan on Chicago Med over the next few weeks; the character is also going to have a big role in episode 8, as well. That’s when he could have more of a story that revolves around the hospital itself.
Related – Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Chicago Med right now
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