YOU season 3 episode 6: Explaining the Love, Forty bathtub scene

YOU season 3

YOU season 3 episode 6 was one of the most more surprising of the Netflix series’ run, and Forty definitely has a role to play in that.

We wondered from the start of the season whether or not Love’s twin brother would find a way to turn up during the season and now, we’ve got an answer. It just didn’t happen in the way that anyone expected. While off on a retreat hosted (in part) by her mother and after having some drinks, Love saw a vision of her late brother first in the bathtub and also in bed.

Watch our YOU season 3 episode 6 review! Below, we get into everything that we had to say about this particular episode. We’re discussing the show here at the channel on an episode-by-episode basis, so we suggest that you SUBSCRIBE to Matt & Jess on YouTube. That is, after all, the best way to ensure you stay continually up to date.

What did she get out of this? The discussion centered around whether or not Joe could fully understand her, as in some ways Forty was her true soulmate. He understood her in a way no one else could, as he grew up in the toxicity of the same situation and was with her every single step of the way. The bathtub scene suggests intimacy, but it’s not necessarily intimacy in a romantic sense. It represents further the connection that the two had and it almost brings them back to an early, primitive point in the Love – Forty relationship where they had no one to rely on but each other.

On a subconscious level, it makes sense for Love to revert towards something. She can already feel Joe pulling away from her, though it’s not entirely clear that he is getting closer to Marienne at this point. This storyline in some ways represents a beginning to the end, and a level that Joe and Love may never be able to reach again. Once Joe realized that Love couldn’t fit the ideal picture in his head, the relationship become in some ways untenable. Now, Love is starting to understand that further.

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What do you think about the events of YOU season 3 episode 6?

Be sure to let us know right now in the comments, and stick around to get some other updates. (Photo: Netflix.)

This article was written by Jess Carter. Be sure to follow her on Twitter.

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