The Blacklist season 9 spoilers: Dembe in danger, bald Reddington & more
Leading into the premiere, one of the things that we’ve heard is that a key character could end up fighting for his life. As it turns out, that could very well be Reddington’s frequent right-hand man. A new series of photos over at Entertainment Weekly showcase Hisham Tawfiq’s character in the hospital; it looks as though he’s going to be okay, but he’s got some severe lacerations and it may take some time for him to recover.
New The Blacklist video! Check out our latest promo analysis below for some other teases as to what could be coming up. Once you do just that, be sure to SUBSCRIBE to Matt & Jess on YouTube. There are other updates coming and, of course, we don’t want you to miss them.
Entering the season, we know that the Task Force has been scattered and no longer work together the same way. What could bring them back together? Dembe’s injury could easily be a driving force. With Liz dead, this is one of the few people Reddington still cares about. We’d like to think he would do whatever he could to help him, and there are certainly still threats out there. Here is some of what John Eisendrath had to say on that very subject to the aforementioned website:
“Even as they’ve scattered to the four winds, the criminal world has just kept ticking along, which at a certain point becomes impossible for our heroes to ignore. Red and the task force might find themselves in new surroundings, but rest assured: The Blacklisters are just as nasty as ever.”
Oh, and if you do want an additional look at the new, balder-than-ever Reddington, you can take a look at him below. Sure, his appearance is slightly different, but he doesn’t look too worse for wear, all things considered.
What do you most want to see when it comes to The Blacklist season 9, especially for Reddington and Dembe?
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