American Horror Story: Double Feature episode 9: Ike & Mamie’s story…

American Horror Story

Is there more stuff ahead for Neal McDonough and Sarah Paulson on American Horror Story: Double FeatureIt feels that way. Ike and Mamie Eisenhower are at the forefront of one major part of the “Death Valley” story, and we know that will remain for at least the rest of this season. After all, it sounds based on some early finale details like Mamie in particular has a huge role to play in the show’s resolution.

What’s also quite fun about these characters is that even though they’re both historical figures, at the same time there’s room for interpretation. This is a show about aliens, after all; why not get a little creative here and there?

New American Horror Story video! Take a look below to get some of our thoughts all about this past episode of the FX series. After you do that, we suggest that you SUBSCRIBE to Matt & Jess on YouTube. There are other updates coming soon on the final two episodes!

While McDonough didn’t give too many details on the final two episodes in an interview with TooFab, it does sound as though we’ll be getting more of these two characters together:

I think Sarah and I didn’t really talk a ton because we’re both devoutly professional, work our characters to the bone and use everything to tell the truth. And Sarah — she’s tremendous. Her work ethic is just terrific. And what she brought to the character was — she made Mamie her own, like I made Ike my own and it was great to play opposite each other and feed off of each other. And it really worked so incredibly well. I mean, what an honor to play opposite Sarah Paulson for the season on ‘American Horror Story.’ It was truly magnificent.

If there’s one thing we can say leading into the final episodes of the season, it’s this: Things are gonna get weird. Based on what we’ve seen so far with the exploding heads and the pregnancies, it’d be a surprise if things DIDN’T get weird.

Related Be sure to get some more news when it comes to American Horror Story right now

What do you want to see from Ike and Mamie before American Horror Story: Double Feature wraps?

Be sure to share right now in the comments! After you do just that, remember to also stick around — there are some more updates on the way and we don’t want you missing any of them. (Photo: FX.)

This article was written by Jess Carter. Be sure to follow her on Twitter.

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