The Good Doctor season 5 episode 2 promo: Is Dr. Glassman leaving?

Dr. Glassman

Based on the newly-released The Good Doctor season 5 episode 2 promo, we’d understand if you were worried about Dr. Glassman’s future. Is he leaving the hospital? Does it make sense to have some concern over that?

Let’s start off here with what we’re actually seeing — in the aforementioned promo, Richard Schiff’s character notes that he is thinking of “moving on” following the incident at the engagement party. What does that mean? It could mean just changing his role at the hospital, reevaluating relationships, or leaving San Jose entirely. What it does not mean is that he is departing the show in any shape or form. This is something that we need to take more of a wait-and-see approach over.

What we know is that Glassman is struggling and we understand why. This is a character who has gone through a lot, from a near-death experience to past tragedy to, most recently, some serious relationship woes. Him projecting those onto Shaun was not a good look and he needs to find a way to overcome some of what ails him.

No what what “Glassy” decides, we don’t think this is going to be a story that resolves itself past. We have to prepare for some of these emotional crises to be at the heart of the show a while.


The hospital having new owners is going to be a challenge, especially when it comes to how the doctors are supposed to treat their patients. It’s more consumer-based and less about direct patient care. The introduction was pretty shocking on Monday night’s premiere, and we don’t think we are anywhere close to the end of things when it comes to big surprises. Prepare yourself accordingly now.

Related Be sure to get some more news when it comes to The Good Doctor right now

What do you think is going to be coming as we get into The Good Doctor season 5 episode 2?

Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! Once you do just that, stick around — there are some other updates ahead that you don’t want to miss. (Photo: ABC.)

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