Heels episode 5 preview: Prepare for the steel cage match
What, of course, makes this showdown so interesting is that Bobby Pin is as a character so likable. We’ve only none him for a short period of time and already, he’s the perfect Face for DWL. What you see is what you get. He’s kind, a little bit goofy, but also big and tough in the way that you’d expect a wrestler to be. In episode 4 Crystal tried to work to figure out the best in-ring character for him to play; through that, though, she realized the best one was him for him to be himself.
Now, we gear up for an episode that could turn personal really fast, and for a number of different reasons. There’s clearly something brewing between Bobby and Crystal behind the scenes; it may not turn romantic but at the very least, the two are really close friends. Ace is clearly jealous of that; the dude just keyed his car! It’s ironic since Ace told Crystal that they needed to keep their home and work lives separate and yet, here we are.
The promo for episode 5 showcased a little bit of the steel cage match, but also more evidence that perhaps, Crystal may get to show herself as something more than just a valet. Will she be able to prove herself in the ring soon? She’s capable of it and Bobby is empowering her to go for it; this could be the thing that ends up altering the course of everything within the DWL moving forward.
Related – Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Heels right now
Where do you think that things are going to go as we prepare for Heels episode 5?
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