American Horror Story: Double Feature teaser: Introducing 666 Radio
If you look below, you can see the debut of 666 Cape Radio, a fictional Provincetown station that the network is using to promote the show. It’s a pretty fun and old-school way to promote this show, and if you listen closely, you can get a few different teases that are inevitably going to be important to the story. Take, for example, overly large roadkill that the traffic reporter urges people to not look that closely at.
For some more updates on American Horror Story in video form right now, remember to watch what we’ve got on the American Horror Stories finale below! After you check that out, remember to SUBSCRIBE to Matt & Jess on YouTube. There are other updates ahead and of course, we don’t want you to miss them.
After watching this, it’s pretty clear that we’re in for a cool and different sort of season — we love the setting itself! Other than in Stephen King movies we don’t think anyone uses New England anywhere near as much as they should, especially when there is so much cool setting to be examined and looked at here. We’re excited to see where things go moving forward, but also how the first part of this “Double Feature” blends into the second. We do hope that they are linked in some substantial way, and we’re not just looking at two different mini-seasons that are being thrown together for the sake of calling them a “season.” It feels like we had enough of that with American Horror Stories.
What excites you the most in regards to American Horror Story: Double Feature?
Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! After you do just that, remember to also stick around — there are other updates ahead and you don’t want to miss any of them. (Photo: FX.)
This article was written by Jess Carter. Be sure to follow her on Twitter.