The Flash season 8: Will the Reverse Flash be Big Bad again?

Reverse Flash -

As we prepare for The Flash season 8 coming up, it only makes sense to have a Big Bad conversation now. This is such a huge cornerstone of the show! Without an iconic villain, what is the show really? This is something that the writers will need to figure out.

Of course, this brings us back fully to the idea of Eobard Thawne. We saw him at the end of season 7 and as we look towards the future, it’s inevitable that we start to think about who will be the next baddie. Showrunner Eric Wallace has teased already that the most powerful enemy yet is coming, and that may not be Eobard. Yet, with the Reverse Flash it’s not just about powers; instead, it’s more about the vendetta. That thirst for vengeance and obsession with Barry Allen on his part is what makes him so captivating.

Will this mean that the Reverse Flash is the perfect “final boss” for the end of season 8? Maybe, but only if season 8 turns out to be the final season. The truth here is that the writers should save this villain at this point for whenever the series ends, whether it be season 8, season 9, or some other point. Until then, they can navigate in some other directions. One of the most captivating possibilities for now is Red Death given the teases that exist via the Flash Museum already … though we could navigate away from speedster villains altogether in the near future.

Another possibility at the moment is the return of Bloodwork, who is technically still a part of this world and someone we’d love to see back on the show eventually. The first half of season 6 with him was one of the most successful arcs that the series has had, mostly in terms of presenting a villain that was legitimately terrifying and had a very specific motive in mind.

Related Get some more discussion on what the future of The Flash could be

Do you think that the Reverse Flash should be the Big Bad on The Flash season 8?

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