Loki episode 6 (finale) spoilers: Who is behind the TVA?

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As we prepare for Loki episode 6 airing on Disney+ next week, it is clear that we’re setting up for something epic. This is the finale! Will it actually live up to some of the expectations that are out there?

If there is one criticism that we have of the series at present, it’s that we are taking forever to build up to the Big Bad. We know that there is some sort of adversary lurking at the end of all of this, but who is it exactly? What do they want? Who is really behind the TVA? There are plenty of theories already about it being yet another variant, that Sylvie is somehow responsible, or that this is all some big setup for the latest Doctor Strange movie. Unless it is written in an absolutely brilliant way, we’re not exactly sure that any of this would be that satisfying.

No matter who is behind the organization’s creation, it’s a LOT of pressure to explain and justify it all in just one episode. We have to imagine that this could’ve been something revealed more at the end of episode 5.

At least going into the finale, we do have a better send-off between Loki and Mobius in our mind — if we truly have reached the end for them. Meanwhile, we’re more certain than ever of the title character’s outsider status and also what he’s capable of doing. He can submit control to others; he is more than just mischief.

What is so fascinating about this series is that despite its enormous budget and all of the high-concept sequences we have, its strongest moments may be the interpersonal ones. There’s something so healing about seeing Loki discover his capacity to care — his relationships with Sylvie and Mobius will stay with us long after this series is over.

What do you most want to see when it comes to Loki episode 6?

How do you think the finale is going to wrap up? Be sure to let us know in the attached comments! After you take a look at that, remember to stick around — there are more updates ahead that you do not want to miss.

Photo: Disney+

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