Outlander season 6: What’s the best time for trailer reveal?
Of course, the real struggle now is waiting. The Droughtlander is still long, and Starz will probably try to whet our collective appetites with a few little teases here and there. Maybe at some point in late summer/early fall, we can get a short teaser with some actual footage. Given that production has been done for a little while, is it really too much to ask? We don’t think so.
The question that we have is, of course, the one in the title. When’s the right time to actually debut a trailer? Given that new episodes are coming in early 2022, it makes sense to do so a couple of months in advance … but would you be so bold as to do so at New York Comic-Con in October? We do think that there are reasons to think about it, starting with the fact that it’s the biggest promotional platform you’ll have from then until the premiere. Also, Outlander and Starz have a tradition of giving fans a little bit of something to tide them over. Since this is a shorter season than usual, we’re not sure that they would want to screen a full episode at NYCC and give a ton away; with that, either a trailer or an extended scene could be viable options for them.
By the time falls rolls around, we’d be shocked if there isn’t something more out there about Outlander season 6. Not only would this serve as a way to please your loyal fans, it could be a way to court some new ones and give them time to catch up! That’s something you have to consider now that the show is pretty far into its run; binge-watching five seasons is a daunting task and it may require some lead-up time for viewers.
What do you hope to see within an Outlander season 6 trailer?
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(Photo: Starz.)