This Is Us season 6: The road ahead for Justin Hartley’s Kevin Pearson

This Is Us

We know that we’re going to be waiting a long time to check out This Is Us season 6 over on NBC. Yet, that won’t stop us from wondering what the future is going to hold!

For Kevin Pearson in particular, we know that this is one of the biggest seasons yet — and also one filled with questions. He’s coming off of a failed wedding, his career prospects are unknown, and we’ve only just started to see his relationship with Randall improve.

Have you watched our most-recent This Is Us review? If not, be sure to watch our take on the season 5 finale below! Once you do that, be sure to subscribe to Matt & Jess on YouTube for discussions on the whole season and so much more.

Below, you can see at least some of the questions we’re thinking about for Kevin at present…

Who does he end up with? It goes without saying that the writers are probably going to pair Kevin off with someone when the series ends, and there are a few different candidates we could consider here. At the top of the list is Madison, even if she called off their recent wedding. There are still feelings there! We have to imagine that Sophie is also still somewhat in the picture, though nothing is guaranteed. (It did appear as though Kevin was with someone when the show flash-forwarded to Kate’s second wedding.)

What is his job? At the aforementioned wedding, he was speaking off of some stationary suggesting that he was in the Big Three construction business to some degree. Is that his full-time gig, or is he balancing that alongside what is going on with his acting? We do know that he ends up building Jack’s dream house, and that is where the family ends up far in the future.

What is his relationship with the rest of the family? It does seem like most of the wounds are healed between him and Randall, and that he and Nicky are seemingly fine after the messiness from his almost-wedding. Is he still close to everyone, or is he fairly distant down the road?

What sort of dad is he? This is something we’re especially curious to learn about — Jack liked to put on the presentation of Father of the Year, but we know that the truth with him was actually a little more complicated.

Related Be sure to get some other insight on This Is Us, including more on what the path ahead could be for other characters

What do you want to see for Kevin on This Is Us season 6?

Be sure to share some of your thoughts and hopes right away in the comments! Once you do just that, stick around to ensure you don’t miss any other updates. (Photo: NBC.)

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