The Goldbergs season 9 premiere date hopes over on ABC

The Goldbergs

Following the big finale today on ABC, want to know what you can expect in terms of The Goldbergs season 9? We’re happy to break some of what we know at the moment.

Let’s kick things off with a major slice of good news: The comedy is coming back! We don’t think that this will be a huge shock to a lot of people out there but for us, we’re more than happy to get another batch of episodes down the road. We’re equally pleased as well to note that the show is going to be premiering this fall, and continues to be prominently placed on the network’s schedule.

Now, we have to get to the other order of business — trying to figure out precisely when The Goldbergs will premiere. In the past, the expectation has been for the final week in September to be when a number of programs launch. However, that has changed a good bit in the past year thanks to the global health crisis. It took shows longer to come back to work and with that, it took considerably longer for them to premiere.

Luckily, it does seem like we’re moving to the other side of that now. If we are lucky, we’re going to have a chance to have a September premiere date once more — if not then, a start date in early October also feels possible. This information will be officially revealed at some point this summer. We know that it’s been a year of great laughs but also loss for The Goldberg, and we do hope that the show carries the memory of Pops through everything else that they do. Also, we hope they remember how valuable of an escape they are for a lot of people out there who are going through stuff.

Related Be sure to get some other news when it comes to The Goldbergs right now

What do you most want to see when it comes to The Goldbergs season 9?

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