Big Brother 22 All-Stars live feed spoilers: Another Christmas campaign


We’re now just over 24 hours away from the latest Big Brother 22 All-Stars eviction, so are we going to see any surprise at all with the eviction? For the time being, it certainly doesn’t seem like it. Pending some last-minute surprise, we’re fairly confident that Christmas will be leaving the game.

With that being said, Christmas is clearly still trying.

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On the live feeds last night, Christmas made yet another plea to Cody for him to keep her over Nicole, reiterating that she would take him to the end. This sounds a little baffling, but it is a quote that she has also reiterated to us that she would. She has a bizarre honor code in this game that we will never quite understand, but it’s ultimately irrelevant since we don’t know whether or not she is going to stay.

One other thing that was interesting here is that Christmas spent a good bit of time trying to throw Enzo under the bus. We don’t think any of that is going to work, especially since Cody later clued in Enzo to some of what she said. We don’t fault Christmas for trying, though — she wants to stay and while there’s little chance of it, she is still trying. We’ll never fault someone for campaigning, even though we think her better play would be to mention how more likely Nicole is to win the final Head of Household than she is … but Christmas would never downplay her own competition prowess.

Related News Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Big Brother 22 right now

What do you expect to see from Christmas moving forward on Big Brother 22?

Do you think she has any chance of sticking around? Be sure to share right now in the comments! Meanwhile, remember to stick around for some other news. (Photo: CBS.)

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