Big Brother 22 All-Stars: Was Memphis Garrett evicted?
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The primary potential for entertainment tonight comes courtesy of simply this: Memphis was seemingly not aware he was going to be evicted — or at least no one had clued him in on the plan at the time in which the live feeds went down.
For the second straight Thursday show, the real highlight of the night was the jury house — we got updates from a lot of the houseguests’ families, including Da’Vonne’s daughter, Ian’s girlfriend, and David’s father. Of course, there was an Angela sighting and Tyler got immediately choked up after the fact. This was a segment that really brought a lot of good stuff to the table, and it’s ironic that the people on the jury are getting so much more of a focus than the people within the house.
Now, let’s get to that eviction… – Memphis was evicted, even though Julie posted on Twitter suggesting that things were getting crazy in the house right before eviction. His exit interview was fairly succinct, as he admitted that he was blindsided … and that he actually would have taken Cody and Enzo to the final three.
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