‘The Vampire Diaries’ season 4 spoilers: A surprise from Nina Dobrev’s Elena

Nina DobrevElena has already proven to us on “The Vampire Diaries” season 4 that she is far from the person that she used to be; after all, did you ever expect Nina Dobrev’s character to ever kill a human being or break up with Stefan before sprouting a set of fangs? This change for this character only means that there are going to be more on the horizon that will shock many fans … but also presumably make at least some rather happy.

According to TV Guide, there will be a move by Elena coming up that is drastic, and it will also lead to everyone, whether it be viewers or other characters within Mystic Falls, questioning the purity of her intentions. What is it? The secret is so juicy that this is really all you are going to get out of us for the time being, but the show will not make you wait for too long in order to find out.

For those of you who do miss the old Elena, do not completely give up hope on that front. The show would have not introduced the concept of a vampire cure unless this was a road that they were at least considering going down at some point, and Paul Wesley’s character is going to continue to travel down this path in an attempt to get things back to the way they were. After all, doing this not only allows Elena to live a normal life, but it could do the same thing for him and they could be together again.

What do you think Elena’s new endgame could be as a vampire? We want to hear your theories below! If you want to read some more scoop about a shocker that could be coming our way Thursday night courtesy of Jeremy, you can find it over at the link here.

Photo: The CW

The Vampire Diaries News

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