Big Brother 22 All-Stars: Was Bayleigh Dayton evicted from the game?


Entering tonight’s Big Brother 22 All-Stars episode, it was clear that Bayleigh Dayton was going to be in some pretty significant trouble. She was on the block, the target for a lot of people, and we didn’t anticipate that there was going to be some last-minute flip.

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The reality for Bayleigh was that from the moment that Christmas didn’t use the Veto, we knew there wouldn’t be much of a campaign. She and Da’Vonne are friends, and she wasn’t going to do anything in order to throw someone she cares about under the bus. It wasn’t going to happen, and Bayleigh is also construed to be more of a threat in competitions. Da’Vonne also has a good relationship with Dani and Nicole, who wanted to use her as a number.

Really, the only question we wondered through the night was whether or not the vote was going to be unanimous. There weren’t exactly incendiary speeches in the game — maybe that would’ve happened in the event that Christmas didn’t try to make “amends,” but she did. The vote was unanimous, and with that Bayleigh was gone from the game. She left with love and kindness for everyone else in the game, and a lot to be proud of.

Bayleigh got goodbye messages that by and large, were very classy. We’re not shocked by this, since there may have been concerns over a jury.

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What do you think about tonight’s Big Brother 22 episode?

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