Evil season 2: Is filming going to be kicking off before too long?


The wait for Evil season 2 to arrive on CBS has been a long one, and that is just putting it lightly. The last new episode aired back in January, and at the moment, filming on the latest batch has yet to even start.

So, is that going to be happening soon? We’d love for that to be case, but there are a few different things to work out. According to a new report from Deadline, there is no official green light yet on season 2 production but it is more or less imminent. Our hope at the moment is that things can resume when we get into October at the latest, which could mean the series premieres either very late this year or in early 2021.

Our feeling at the moment is that CBS would like to have most of their “fall” shows back on the air in November, which is roughly a month and a half later than when they usually would. Yet, there are a lot of hurdles that need to be jumped over to make that happen. You have to hope that production goes smoothly for all of the series during this health crisis, as well as the fact that they can operate under a similar schedule to what we’ve seen before.

We think that regardless of however filming is done, the show is probably going to look and feel reasonably similar. One of the things that made Evil so great is that there aren’t a whole lot of series out there remotely similar to it. It has a uniqueness to its writing, its visuals, and of course some of its themes. No matter what, we don’t want to see any of that change.

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What do you most want to see when it comes to Evil season 2?

Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! Also, remember here to stick around for some additional news all about the series. (Photo: CBS.)

This article was written by Jessica Carter. Be sure to follow her on Twitter.

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