Lucifer season 5 video: Amenadiel offers some advice


As we await the Lucifer season 5 premiere airing one week from Friday, we’ll take whatever tease that we can. Take, for example, a small new preview featuring Amenadiel front and center!

The video below comes courtesy of the show’s official Twitter account, and it highlights DB Woodside’s character doing what he can to hand down a simple message do Dan: “Be the change.” We don’t know how you can see this and do anything other than crack a big smile. Is this a part of “be the change you want to see in the world”? This is a famous quote that has been attributed to Gandhi over the years, though the wordage of it has been changed and augmented over time.

Want to get some more news when it comes to Lucifer in video form, be sure to share some of the latest below! Once you check that out, remember to subscribe to CarterMatt on YouTube for more news and then view our Lucifer playlist. We’ll have further news coming that you don’t want to miss.

No matter the full extent of the quote or its meaning, we do think that there is something fun about seeing this quote handed down to Dan, a guy who often lives within his own curmudgeon plane the vast majority of the time. We think he’s going to go on a journey himself over the years, and we’re excited to see what that looks like!

As for Amenadiel himself, we’re sure that he is going to try to adapt to what is a strange and very-much intriguing part of his life. He never quite imagined that he’d have what he does now with Linda, and he has a lot to contend with coming in between Michael and (eventually) God, who will be showing up at some point during the season.

Related News Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Lucifer right now

What do you most want to see when it comes to Lucifer season 5 overall?

Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! Meanwhile, remember here to stick around to get some more insight when it comes to the show. (Photo: Netflix.)

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