Outlander season 6: How Starz could help mitigate a lengthy hiatus
For the sake of this article, what we want to focus on further is simply what Starz can focus on to keep us Outlander fans satisfied with during the drought. This will likely end up being one of the longest Droughtlanders yet, as we have a hard time thinking that the show is going to be back on the air until we get around to mid-to-late 2021 … and that’s at the earliest.
Check out three different options that we currently have spinning around in our brains.
1. Promote heavily Men in Kilts, and give it the best platform possible – Our hope is that the Sam Heughan – Graham McTavish travel series will premiere this fall, and that by the time it’s over, at least we’ll have some news starting to come out from Outlander production. It may not be the story of Diana Gabaldon’s characters, but in a lot of ways it feels like a spiritual companion to the show. It at least touches on some similar parts of history.
2. Consider some reunion specials – What better way to keep fans excited than by giving them a couple of different chances to see the cast? What we’d love if a three or four-episode series of video interviews, whether in-person in Scotland during production or virtual, that allow viewers to get a better sense of what could be coming. Think in terms of 15 to 20-minute videos as opposed to the tiny clips that the show sometimes puts out there. It could be a window into the great rapport the cast all have with each other.
3. A split-season format – Personally, we’re not for splitting up the 12-episode season 6 in halves. It could interrupt the flow of the story! The benefit to doing this is that you may be able to get some episodes out faster while others go through post-production, but we don’t think the show needs to be in that much of a hurry. We’ve endured some long droughts before, and we don’t want to see a decision compromise how the show should be viewed.
How do you think Outlander could help make the long hiatus a little bit easier?
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(Photo: Starz.)