Lucifer season 5 tease: A first look at Michael’s wings!


It’s going to be hard for any Luciferrelated content over the next several days to compare to the just-released trailer. Nonetheless, we’re happy to have whatever goodness that the folks at Netflix are willing to hand down.

Today, that includes a new look at Michael’s wings — it’s just say that they don’t have all that much in common with Lucifer’s. The coloration is different, his stance is different, and we already know that his demeanor very much is. You can see the tease of these wings at the bottom of this article, courtesy of the show’s official Twitter (which has, in rather demented fashion, been temporarily converted over to a Michael stan account).

For some more news when it comes to Lucifer in video form, be sure to watch the latest on the season 5 trailer below! Once you do that, subscribe to CarterMatt on YouTube and then view our full show playlist. We’ll have other news in due time…

While we wait for these new episodes to drop next month, one of the larger questions we’re left to wonder is simply this: What is Michael gaining from doing this? What exactly are his motives? That’s not something that feels altogether clear, and nor do we have a good sense of the endgame. The only thing we know is that we really don’t want to live in a world where Michael convinces Chloe that he is actually Lucifer and she has all of these romantic milestones with someone who is not the Devil she loves. That would be very damaging for her emotionally and not the easiest thing to get through.

We’re sure that all answers on Michael will be at least partially resolved within the first half of season 5.

Related News Be sure to get some other news when it comes to Lucifer, including a way to watch the trailer itself

What do you most want to see when it comes to Lucifer season 5 — and also Michael?

Be sure to share right now in the comments! Also, be sure to stick around for some other news when it comes to the show. (Photo: Netflix.)

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