NBC’s ‘Revolution’ review: Strife in the Monroe Republic

On some level, is there any part of you that wishes as though “Revolution” was as a show solely focused on the Monroe republic? We know that after watching this new episode Monday night, the thought did enter our mind. There’s so much more in the way of politics going on here in comparison to what’s happening with Charlie and her little camp, and it feels much more Shakespearean in nature with all of the thoughts of betrayal and of power.

Take, for example, Rachel. What in the world is she thinking? She is now poised to really give Monroe, the very man who has her captive, pretty much everything he wants, and she is not protesting it that much with the pendant in her possession. We are still of the belief that she is working with some sort of master plan in mind, but she is keeping it extremely close to the vest in fear that someone, somehow, will ruin it.

While all of this is going on, you also have Neville with the help of his wife wondering whether or not he should usurp control and command the Republic on his own. It’s strangely nice to see a husband-and-wife duo with as much lust for power collectively shared between them, but this episode also made it clear that he has a blind spot: his family. If Monroe makes the right move against him, he is rendered pretty much helpless.

As for why the Charlie story pales in comparison to all this, it’s simple: we once again saw a mission where someone was kidnapped, and they went to rescue them. The only difference here is that Nora’s sister Mia was involved, and it created a new dimension for the character to be in Charlie’s shoes. Oh, and Nora and Miles kissed. We just want to feel like this group is making substantial progress, and save for getting the pendant taken from them, not much else happened.

Are you enjoying the Monroe Republic scenes on “Revolution” more than anything else, and what did you think about this episode as a whole?

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