Lucifer season 5 episode 15 title revealed — plus, surprise director!
What are we talking about here? Well, in a post on Twitter, the show’s official writers’ room confirmed that “Is This Really How It’s Going to End?!” will be the title of the second-to-last episode of the season. That’s the sort of title that would make us scream with shock in the event that it was actually the second-to-last episode of the series. Now that we know there’s potentially another season beyond it, the feeling is just a little bit different.
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Now, here’s another bit of rather-exciting news that we can share in terms of the episode’s writer — this is an installment being directed by Ildy Modrovich! This marks a big-time gig for the co-showrunner beyond just her typical duties, and it’s going to be really fun to see what she brings to the table here. She certainly knows this world and these characters better than almost anyone and, with that in mind, it’s hard to imagine other people more suited for this role.
Given the reports yesterday that Modrovich and fellow co-showrunner Joe Henderson are on board for a possible season 6, we’re very much intrigued to learn if there is another episode that Ildy could help then. That’s not something that we’re going to have an indication on right now, but it’s at least something to think about.
Modrovich’s episode is going to air in the second batch of season 5 episodes, which could arrive on Netflix at some point later this year.
Related News – Be sure to get some more news right now when it comes to Lucifer right now
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