The Conners season 2 spoilers: How New Hampshire impacts live episode
Here’s what we know about this upcoming episode, which is airing Tuesday at 8:00 p.m. Eastern time — there is going to be a story that will in some ways be influenced by the results of the New Hampshire primary, and you’ll see things change in real time depending on the results. We would imagine that there will be a few different outcomes written in advance and the show will try to be flexible as things go along. Hopefully, there are some opportunities to laugh no matter the outcome, and the writers have a challenge of finding a way to tell a political story without being too partisan. (Really, the episode is about how politics can impact the working class, but also how there are ways for people to come together regardless of beliefs.)
What makes this all the more interesting is that there will be a separate live episode for folks on the West Coast, and this one will incorporate some different results than the prior version. Speaking on this subject per TVLine, here is what executive producer Bruce Helford had to say:
“The first time we do it [for the East Coast], it will be early returns. And then later on, it will be more about the results … It’s nice, because it gives us a chance to say something meaningful about the process, and say it in a unique, Conners way.”
What we do wonder about this is if both versions of the episode will be available online after the fact (we’re sure they will be) — that way, you’ll get the full experience no matter where you live. Won’t that end up being rather fun? We like to think so.
Related News – Be sure to get some more information right now on The Conners, including further scoop on where the story goes moving forward
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