‘Shark Tank’ review: No Fly Zone, PlateTopper, and Cool Wazoo

Friday night’s new episode of “Shark Tank” had quite a bit of entertainment in between some of the products that were sold and Daymond John’s wicked smack down of one of the entrepreneurs. Unfortunately, there were also a number of things that really irked us here, in between all of the sob stories, the product placement, and a guy who was so delusional that he nearly destroyed every single offer on the table.

Cool Wazoo – This, ladies and gentleman, may be the worst pitch in the history of “Shark Tank.” We really don’t want to be rude to the creator of this all-in-one baby product, mostly because we do admire the hours that she put into making this product and trying to get it out into stores. The problem we have is that Lori Greiner and the sharks were out, but Lori came back in the moment that the tears started flowing.

We can’t say whether or not these tears were the only reason that Lori came back in, but it does help to explain why we enjoy the episodes with Barbara Corcoran more. We hate the sob stories on this show this season, and this sort of thing sets a bad standard that you can come on this show, be emotional, and get your way. This isn’t charity, it’s business!

No Fly Cone – This product is novel in that it could work well for people who are on farms, but who wants to sit outside with a piece of dog poo on the ground so that flies can start to circle it? This is only useful for a small group of people, and, as we saw in the original preview video for the product, Seth MacFarlane is a terrible endorser for this product. Why on earth would you have a guy try to sell a product that relies on a dog, when he does not even own a dog?

PlateTopper – This guy took up a huge amount of air time during this episode, and we understand why. Never before have we seen such a great product become such a trainwreck in a short amount of time. The guy came in with a reasonable evaluation for his Tupperware innovation given the sharks’ time and the sort of benefits that come with working with them, and then he blew it up as soon as he had his ego stroked a little bit. We were pretty sure at one point during this negotiation process that Daymond John was going to walk out, but not before kicking that stack of plate toppers over (which is what we wanted to do by the end of the episode).

After nearly half an hour of this madness, we ended up right back where we started after this guy talked most of the sharks out of working with him (including a million dollar offer from Daymond), and then he was completely disrespectful to Lori, who was actually pretty kind to a guy who was rude to her. He ultimately decided to take a deal for $90,000 for 8% of his company, but it was a lot more trouble than it really needed to be.

What was your favorite product during this week’s edition of the show, and what did you think of the PlateTopper craziness?

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