Outlander season 5 and beyond: Why 2020 is an exciting year
For starters, season 5 is premiering! Any year that gets a new batch of episodes is a big one, and this one is important simply because you don’t have a new setting to use as promotion. Think about it — season 1 had Scotland, season 2 France, season 3 the Caribbean (or at one point, Jamie and Claire separated), and season 4 America. This is a season simply about the story more so than “here’s something that visually, you haven’t seen before.”
Beyond just that, it goes without saying that season 6 filming is going to be hugely important … especially with the Starz series at the moment facing so many long-term questions. When filming kicks off (which may happen in the spring), there’s a good chance that the future of the series will not be cemented as of yet. There are likely going to be discussions aplenty happening behind the scenes about that — there probably actually are! The writers have been working on the season for some time, and it’d benefit them to know whether or not they are writing towards the end.
Luckily, we have a positive feeling about the future of Outlander, mostly because there seems to be no indication that the show is ending just yet. At the same time, we do imagine there being conversation about the future next year, and we’d like to imagine that renewal news will come out before season 6 premieres in 2021. If you were to wait on it, that would mean an ENORMOUS Droughtlander, which we’re sure nobody out there wants.
There are some other reasons why this upcoming year is so exciting for the show, and that includes new movies for Sam Heughan, chances for Emmy nominations, and for a lot of press in Los Angeles that includes a premiere event in February. We’re excited for what the future holds.
What do you want to see for Outlander season 5 in 2020? Be sure to share in the comments! Also, remember to stick around for some other news.
Photo: Starz