Doctor Who season 12 video: Cast on adventures ahead!
In general, there are a lot of different moments to look forward to — and we just have to see if there are a few more surprise twists that we cannot expect in advance.
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In the video below, you can see Jodie Whittaker and some of the cast detail what the upcoming season will be like. On the surface, we’d argue that this season is both nostalgic and also new. One of the challenges of the series is simply this — trying to find a way in order to cater to all audiences, and it’s not an easy thing to do. There are viewers out there who want to see the show as it once was — think in terms of the show that they remember from five or ten years before. Meanwhile, there are also some others out there who want to see the show pushed in some creative new directions. All we know is this — we just want the show to go for the jugular on the emotion. This is a show that should move and inspire us — the more that it does that, the better we know the end product is going to be.
Following the first episode airing on New Year’s Day, know that there will be additional installments of Doctor Who airing on Sunday nights. You’re going to get a lot of entertainment in a short period of time!
Related News – Be sure to get some other news when it comes to Doctor Who!
What do you want to see when it comes to Doctor Who season 12?
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