Shark Tank preview: Little ELF, Beardaments, Easy Treezy, Kit Lender
Before we get to spotlighting some of these products, check out the full synopsis below with some additional details on what’s next:
“Episode 1110” – An entrepreneur from Miami Gardens, Florida, presents his patented system that easily helps decorate and set up a Christmas tree in a matter of minutes. Santa and his elves from Murray, Utah, enter the tank with their fun and easy-to-attach body decor, while an entrepreneur from Stowe, Vermont, presents his web rental service that ships outdoor gear and apparel directly to you, wherever and whenever adventure strikes. Finally, an entrepreneur from West Boylston, Massachusetts, introduces his innovative tool to make holiday gift-wrapping easier on “Shark Tank,” SUNDAY, DEC. 1 (9:00-10:00 p.m. EST), on ABC. Episodes can also be viewed the next day on, the ABC app and Hulu.
Now, let’s get to the products. Click on each one below for some other details!
Beardaments – What we’ve got here is a classic case of people who want to put holiday decorations in their beards … okay, this isn’t common at all. This is a fun product for people who love to spice up their beards, but what we wonder is this. What’s the total market size for people who love the holidays and who also have huge beards?
Kit Lender – There is a certain degree of value just to this idea just on the basis of what it is alone. After all, we’re talking about a winter-gear rental company where you can have it shipped to your destination for you to rock on the slopes, and then mail it back with zero hassle. It makes the entire process of renting gear easy. There are a lot of products like this in other spaces, but for winter-sports lover, this could be perfect.
Little ELF – Out of the products that we’ve mentioned here in this piece, this one feels like one with the biggest large-scale appeal. After all, this is a way in order to ensure that cutting wrapping paper is easy and hassle-free. We’re terrible at wrapping gifts, so we can see this being useful to a lot of people who aren’t so skilled in this particular realm.
Easy Treezy – Finally, let’s talk a pre-decorated Christmas tree that you can basically assemble and put together in just a matter of minutes. For those who just hate taking the time to get a tree together, this is up your alley. (For us, we actually like taking the time to decorate a tree.)
Related News – Be sure to get some more news right now when it comes to Shark Tank!
What do you want to want to see on Shark Tank tonight?
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